Sunday 8 March 2015

Blogging health check 3:

Hi Harjeet It's good to see you are keeping a production diary and interesting to read your reflections. I would say what you need to do is to try and come up with solutions. Part of what we are trying to do with encouraging you to blog so much, is to encourage you to plan properly. What exactly do you want to achieve in your next filming session? What do you need to do to make sure this happens? Try and be really clear about this and put it down in a blog entry. Your blog entries are currently a little on the brief side - try and add some photos of some video or use other types of ICT (Prezis, emaze etc) to liven them up a bit. Also, after each session, you could write a short individual note on exactly what you did. Also, you could post re. skills development - what exactly have you learnt so far? How have your skills dveloped? You can write all this up on the blog. Try and get your post count up also - I'd like you to be in the mid-30s in terms of post count, at a minimum by now. Dan

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