Monday, 5 January 2015

Research - What is a title sequence 3

A title sequence is the way that films or television programs show their title, production company, cast members and visuals and sound producers. Title sequences sometimes are on a moving object or simply just on a still image.

Titles on a blank screen: there is usually a white type face is used on a black backroundto create a high ontrst. This is old and plain not many people use it now as it is a low budget. They can offer a simple and uncomplicated way to include institutional information at the beginning.

Titles on still images: its a wayto incooperate text with a visual image to hint at the tone or genre of the film.

The first person to use a title sequence at the beginning of a film was Thomas Eddison.  He created many devices that have changed life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera and a long lasting electric light bulb.

The invention on tv led to people staying home (expand) 

Things to talk about:
Titles over moving images
Titles using animatino or motion
Narrative title sequences
Discrete title sequences 
Stylised title sequences

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